Just nak habiskan masa pagi-pagi yang tak berapa celik ni..(buta la.)
Hmm..tiba-tiba terlintas cerita zaman dolu-dolu..
Ieja selalu suka or tersuka or terminat orang yang tak sepatutnya.
Bukan la bad boys that sort of kind..
Just with the one yang tak pernah sense my presence.
Memang la suka tu tak semestinya love kan?
Adoi nak sebut 'love' tu pon make me feel sick.
Hehehe..Macam tak patut je.
Macam geli-geli je..Hahaha.
Kadang-kadang saja teradmirer la. Apa la.
Tapi kadang kala ada jugak rasa sedih tu.
Rasa invisible je.
maybe because of my personalities?
Too cheerful or happy maybe.
Talkative that annoyed them?
Load with arguments? I mean about what I thought of something maybe?
Tapi pernah sekali je ieja cakap dekat sorang tu je.
Not directly. I knew he understood me.
But thats it. Maybe he thought I'm just a laughing stock.
And he just dissapeared like that without a reason.
Benda paling ieja nak avoid after telling somenone that i like him is..
Dia menjauhkan diri daripada ieja.
Just tell me you don't like me.
And I'll accept it as it is.
p/s: now i do like somebody.but i will never tell him about it.FULL STOP.
May ALLAH bless us ALWAYS..
Lots of love,
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