Too MANY to be TOLD


Salam pagi selasa yang.. Alhamdulillah nyaman ini.hee

Thinking 'bout how long I've been left this little blog 
and i don't think it's too long. Really i do think that.

Despite the short time I've left you alone Mr. Belog more things
have been happening around me.
And i can tell you it's quite a number y'know.

1. Of course I've been leaving you after I entered the short term.

2. The general election is coming up on May 5th 
and i think most you knew it.

3. Something happened that caused my heart to flutter..hee..

4. And so much more that couldn't write and describe it here.

that's it for now. I'll write it more details for the next entry. 
GTG I got homework to finish up. See ya!

Oh!! By the way 

Happy Labour Day to all workers in the world.
Happy Holiday for students.

Have a blast day and get your precious rest today.
May ALLAH bless..


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