.Last few night.


Something happened few days ago. 
To be precised few night ago.
My long lost friend texted me.

Can I really said long lost?? 
Just one and two text each year. 
That can be considered as lost right?

I'm quite surprised actually.
I wonder if he wanted to ask bout my bestie which he had crush on.
And guess what? No.
He actually asking bout my well being..blablabla.

Till he ask one question and I knew it..

He ask whether my boyfriend gonna mad
 if knew I'm texting with him.

I told him IF I do have one maybe there's somebody gonna be mad at me.
But I don't have one. He doesn't believe me.

Well then I told him there's no place or word for "special boyfriend"
in my life.
InsyaALLAH if ALLAH will my life will only filled one word 

And he asked me why not because 
he heard it's all right for muslims  to couple
as long as we can take care of our ikhtilat.

I said we ourselves know better.
Better prevent than cure.
Always remember satan is always there to help us astray.

He finally got me.
Then we talked bout problems in the society.
How I really hated to be controlled 
by somebody not actually have the right to do so.

Like how teenagers nowadays faced problems with their partners.
I really can't stand to see 
how a girl controlled their boyfriend from hanging out with his friends.
Who is she to act like that.
Same goes to the boys.

It's okay to advice.
That's what I can't really stand.
Even my mum allow me to meet my friends..

Thanks to my friend for texting me. I can have a good argument that night.
At least we got a bit input that night.

May ALLAH bless you.
A**** Z*******

May ALLAH bless us now and hereafter =D 

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