Are you okay? Am I okay? Are we okay?


Are you okay?

What happened?

Are the memories kept coming back?

Are you having a hard time?

What are those smiles?

How's life?

How's your migraine?

there are so many things that I would like to ask you.

but there are limits to what I can from what I want.

Suddenly I can't access to your blog.

The place where I learned a lot about you.

Maybe there is an explanation to it.

If the choice you made is because of me,

If I ever annoyed you even for a second,

I apologize.

If not I still want to apologize for everything that I may irks you.

Now I decided to focus on my studies, InsyaALLAH.

Pray for me.

But I will never forget all of this, InsyaALLAH.

If we're fated to meet again,
I'll pray for ALLAH to ease everything.

May ALLAH bless us.
till then,
Lots of love.

A daisy.


A daisy.
Lately I kept posting pictures of daisies on my instagram account.

Some might wondering why, some don't even bother to know and others might not even noticed them.

Of all flowers, why daisy?

So I'm asking all of you back,
Why not daisy?

I admit, I loved flowers. Any flowers especially roses for their smell and elegant appearance.

Differently like any other flowers, daisy left a deep meaning for me.

As a biological student, let me formally introduce this flower that is named daisy.

Came from Asteraceae family, there are over 22,000 species in this category.
 Just like me, a common girl like a common flower.

It can grows easily, which shows how independent it is.

It can grow in all sorts of conditions.
Just like how daisy can stand in rough environment, I'd like to be strong like this pure flower.

It doesn't need any special care. Daisy just need a place to grow. A space. A chance.

Daisy the symbol for loyal love and commitment.

Open your heart,
let me grow there and show you how to love this life.

May ALAH bless.

till then,

lots of love.


Not good enough.


It has been a quite long time since the last time I dropped by.

Cliché. Been busy. Normal life as a student and a human.

Ahh..and we've entered Syawal. Alhamdulillah. Still, I missed the blessed month, Ramadhan.

Thinking of stopping by here for a while. Recalling all the words, thoughts, memories and emotions that I've poured and spilled in here.

A small space that I would like to claim as my own secret place.

Where I can honestly speak up my mind be ignorant about the world, the people and the judgement.

I'm afraid of building trust towards anybody. I'm afraid of their thoughts about me. I'm afraid of people's expectations.

Most of all I'm feeling that I am not good enough.

I'm at the verge of crying. Choked up. Holding hard my breath. Not gonna let anyone hear me. Not gonna let anyone notice me. All alone.

But I got Him. Now and forever.

May ALLAH bless us.

till then,

Lots of love.


Masih begini.
Di sini membawa resah bersama.
Aku perlu berhenti.
Berhenti dari cuba memuaskan hati orang lain.
Berhenti dari melukakan hati sendiri.
Aku perlu berhenti seketika.
Tetapi tidak akan pernah melupakan.
Kerna aku percaya,
What meant to be will always be.
Harapan ku masih menggunung tinggi
Agar satu hari nanti menjadi realiti.
Jika tidak di sini,
Mungkin di akhirat sana.
Aku cuma mampu berdoa agar kau bahagia.
Semoga secebis bahagia buat dirimu
Cukup untuk membuatku tersenyum gembira.
Harapan dan doa,
Buat selamanya
Akhir kalam.
till then,
Lots of love.


Hadir lagi.
Acap kali hadirkan diri ke sini kebelakangan ini.
Mungkin banyak yang tersimpan dihati.
Mana bisa berlari dari satu itu
saat masih mengendong tanggungjawab sebagai hambaNya.
Di sini segala kata aku ingin sampaikan buat kamu.
aku sendiri.
Sebolehnya semua agar dapat di renung semula.
Aku lihat kau makin lemah.
Tak berdaya menanggung derita sedih dijiwa.
Tiada penawar.
Tiada ubat.
Tiada apa.
Hanya ini dapat aku berikan buat kamu.
Barisan kata tulus dari hatiku.
Agar kau bisa berhenti merenung masa lalu.
berhenti menyiksa jiwamu itu.
Masih aku ingat setiap tutur bicara.
Di mana dia.
Aku pasti kau sendiri tertanya.
Pernah kau terduga kenapa semua ini berlaku?
Bertubi soalan menjengah ke benak?
Dibawah ini untuk renungan aku, kau, kita dan semua.
Tahukah engkau
bahawa sebelum terhasilnya sebuah tembikar
yang terukir cantik,
licin tekstur tubuhnya,
yang utuh menahan jatuh
dia si tembikar terlebih dahulu dibakar?
Tidak pula sewenang wenangnya dilempar ke api marak pedih.
Semua mengikut keperluan
sudah diatur
serba serbi teliti oleh pembuatnya.
Serasa aku kamu sudah merungkai apa ingin aku sampaikan.
seperti si tembikar
aku ibaratkan kita didunia ini.
Seperti sang api yang galak membakar
ujian itu aku umpamakan.
Tidak pernah mengecewakan bukan?
Secantik, sehalus dan seutuh tembikar itu
aku contohkan kita setelah dilanda ujian.
Lebih baik.
Lebih elok.
Lebih berkualiti.
Setiap keperluan sang tembikar
dan serba serbinya
aku umpamakan jenis ujian yang diberi
saat terbaiknya
Dia Sang Pencipta yang Maha Mengetahui.
Ombak yang memukul pantai
merosak dinding rumahmu hari ini
Mungkin menjadi keperluan
buat menolak sampan kecilmu pada esok hari.
Percayalah bahawa semuanya mengikut kehendak Dia.
Hanya menjadi pemangkin semangat untuk hari hari mendatang.
Bukan tidak pernah mentitis sang mutiara berharga,
bukan tidak pernah rasa hibanya berduka,
bukan tidak pernah rasa luka kecewa.
Cuma aku masih percaya
ada sinar dihujung sana.
Janganlah kau tertunduk sedih,
lemah jatuh bahumu.
jangan pula kau mendongak tinggi
mendabik dada.
Lihatlah ke depan,
teguhkan langkahmu,
kuatkan jiwamu
jangan pernah kau ragu.
Aku, kami, mereka dan semua masih punya masa,
memapah, mendokong dan terus menyokong kembali jika pernah kau lemah.
Kau juga masih punya Dia buat penenang rasa.
Maaf aku pohon kerana tidak bijak menyusun bicara.
tidak pandai bermadah pujangga

jika nukilan mengguris jiwa
aku hanya gadis biasa
yang ingin melihat secoret senyuman di bibir mu sahaja.
Tidak banyak yang aku pinta dari Dia Yang Maha Esa,
kembalikan senyuman buat semua kesayangan yang bertakhta dijiwa

agar semua sentiasa gembira.
till then,
May ALLAH bless us.
Lots of love.

The Rain

It's raining.
Nothing across my mind except you and your pain.
I get to know that you love the rain.
I jump into the rain without hesitation.
To join you.
To know you.
To be with you.
Without knowing
You were crying in the rain.
It is not the rain that you love.
It's the memory of both of you.
Without I realized
I'm waiting for you.
Crying with you.
In the rain.
Shivering to my bones.
Accompanied by the coldness.
till then,
May ALLAH bless us.
Lots of love.


It is fascinating how everything connects together.
I was surfing the net and find a reality show that sings legendary songs.
In Korean.
Without any hesitation I started to watch the show.
Topic of the week is rain.
All the songs related to rain.
Suddenly I heard rain drops outside my window.
Slowly it started to become heavy.
Just like my heart.
At the moment.
The songs are like my stories.
It feels like they try to comfort me.
Each word left a mark in my heart.
How amazing the way it delivered the message
that I can't deliver it myself.
It feels like my heart is talking to me.
Crying out loud with me.
The title of the song that captivated me is
Do You Like The Spring Rain So Much.
Sums up everything.
till then,
May ALLAH bless us.
Lots of love.

Banyak. Berubah.

It's past midnight.
Still can't sleep.
Seperti yang ieja katakan tadi banyak yang telah berlaku dan berlalu.
Re-read my entries do show something.
Entri yang dulunya banyak keanak-anakan semakin matang.
Susun atur katanya.
Nada bicaranya.
Isi yang ingin disampaikan.
Berubah itu perlu demi kebaikan.
Apa yang berubah?
Diri ini.
Cara berfikir.
Perkara yang difikirkan.
Bukan seperti seorang anak hingusan keluaran sekolah menengah.
Lebih kepada seorang anak gadis yang penuh rasa berbuku dihatinya.
Perlahan akan ku ungkapkan coretkan segalanya di sini.
Yang diperlukan tika ini.
Merungkai kusut di hati jiwa dan minda.
Mohon doa dari semua.
Jika masa itu terhenti seketika ingin saja dicurahkan semua.
Tapi semua milik DIA,
hatta masa itu cuma pinjaman semata.
Selain DIA Yang Maha Esa,
Di sini jua tempat bercerita.
Mengadu rasa.
Melepas kata.
Merawat luka.
Segala yang tersimpan jauh di sana.
Masih belum berjumpa yang betul memahami jiwa.
Mungkin ada.
Cuma belum kuat untuk bersuara.
Bimbang di kata tidak semena.
Hanya mohon kekuatan dari DIA Sang Pencipta.
Maha Pengasih
Maha Penyayang.
Akhir kalam.
May ALLAH bless us.
Lots of love.


Cepat masa berlalu.
Hampir dua tahun sejak entri yang lalu.
Tarikh akhir,
4 September 2013.
So much had happened through this long time.
I've graduated from UITM Arau.
Currently continuing my studies in science.
of course.
Bachelor of Science (Honours) Biology.
Changed my campus to Kuala Pilah.
How do I got here,
I'll tell it in another entry.
Just bothered to scribble or write something.
My mind is somehow jammed with all sorts of thought.
So, I thought
why don't I write it out.
Everything just got mixed up and haywire.
Here in my head.
I'll slowly work it out in this blog.
That's all for now.
May ALLAH bless us.
Lots of love.
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